Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Note About You

Ok, Ok, I know I'm supposed to be working on my blog, but I found this FASCINATING.

6 (less than 1%) of you are Opera users, and 2 (also less than 1%) of you are UBUNTU users. My guess is that 98% of you haven't heard of these two things.

I've discovered the statistics feature to Blogger. I now know the following:

Only 46% of you are Windows users; I'm happy to see diversity! 42% are Mac users, but 5% and 2% are accessing from iPhone and iPad respectively. 1% are using Android, and 1% are on Linux (cool!). I'm dying to know who the less than 1% UBUNTU users are.

The largest part of my readership is using Firefox (40%) -- I love this browser, largely because Mozilla is a nonprofit organization whose values I respect. Safari comes in second at (28%), followed by Chrome at 24%. Interestingly, 4% of you are on IE (hopefully 9!) and a little over 2 percent are on other mobile browsers. Again, most curious to me is the 6 views (<1%) coming from Opera.

Lastly, your countries from which you are reading.... (Drum roll please) :

États-Unis (US)
Espagne (Spain) ( ;) thanks, Krista Maria)
Russie (Russia)
Suède (Sweden) (Mr. Hinz has read all 8 posts, it would appear)
Allemagne (Germany)
Norvège (Norway)
Brésil (Brazil)

You all are fantastic.


  1. Love that graphic!

    Your Norwegian following? Will you be coming home with a tall handsome Scandinavian?

  2. Haha no no, I have no idea who the Norwegian is. A friend from home is studying in Sweden.
