Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Entirely Scattered

Quick note:

I have been the world's worst blogger for the past two months. In order to get back into the swing of it (since the prospect of owing five huge posts is wilding intimidating and has induced a writer's block), I'm going to post several slightly shorter posts completely out of chronological order, as you can see from the last couple posts.

In the past two months, I have been to Madrid, Amsterdam, Rennes, Caen, St Malo, Mont St Michel, Chartres, Barcelona, Paris (a few times ;)), Nîmes, Montpellier, and Dijon. I want to have detailed accounts of each journey on here, but I've found myself stuck when I go to write about them. It is much easier to focus on the cities separately (instead of giving you a huge post about Chartres, Rennes, St Malo, Mont St Michel, Caen all together, give you each one, one at a time).

So, all will come in good time, but be patient with the sudden influx of posts. I will try to tie them together with titles, so you can have an idea of which trips were back to back.


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