Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Une pause à Montreal

Bonjour from Canada!

It was not until I was halfway across Lake Michigan that I looked past all the goodbyes and anxieties of packing and realized that I was on my way to Paris. As the feeling sunk in, I was washed over with relief and excitement. Finally, it is real and nearly tangible.

The airport here in Montreal has been excellent. It is a beautiful airport, and the staff has been very friendly. I've been practicing not smiling (poker faces are highly recommended in France) -- I've had a 50% success rate while passing strangers.

When I realized I missed lunch, I wandered around looking for a bathroom and a place to eat. There was a promising cafe, but I was nervous when I saw the menu was in French and the server addressed me in French. I found a delicious looking strawberry tart and got up the nerve to order. After trying to hear me stammer it out in a terrible accent, the server politely interrupted me, and I switched to English. Hopefully, my hunger will push me to improve my French quickly :)

I am looking forward to keeping this blog; it will be a great way to document my journeys and to keep everyone up to date. When I get settled in France, I will write a more exciting post. For now, au revoir!


  1. Also, for safety reasons, I will not be posting specific details about trips I am going to take until I return from the trip. If you can make sure you don't post anything on the blog about where I am staying specifically, I'd appreciate it! If you ever want more details, feel free to email me :)

  2. it shocks me that you picked out a strawberry tarte. standard genevieve.

  3. A stop in Montreal -- just right for your bon voyage. Lovely blog background!

  4. Your first post made me laugh out loud! 50% success rate huh? I don't think it's physically possible for our family not to smile. It's in our genes. By the way, I absolutely love the's my favorite painting. Can't believe you're on the streets of France as I'm writing this! Miss you so much! Love you

  5. Please smile in private then so you don't forget how. You've got quite a nice smile. Aunt Mair

  6. Never fear! I'm bringing smiles to France. Everyone has been very friendly here, by the way -- i have not encountered the stereotype of rude French people :)
