Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Little Prayer

I heard about a lot of different rituals from people's travels this semester. Some people bring along a character to take pictures of at different landmarks; others always find the art museums. I want to tell you about mine now.

A little less than a year ago, my aunt shared with me a beautiful story of her trip to Holy Hill in Milwaukee with my parents. She said when they arrived, my mom, a Lutheran, remembered the customs from the nuns that she knew there in Milwaukee. She always reminds us how these nuns had been her close friends and vital support while she faced struggles in Milwaukee, even though she wasn't catholic. She wanted to light a candle and say a prayer, like she had learned from them. When they reconvened, my mom grabbed my dad's arm and said, "I thanked God for Ted."

Throughout Europe, I saw dozens of churches -- at least one in each town. Some start to look the same, some are more surprising. However, in each one, I made sure I did the same thing: I dropped my coins in the little box, lit a candle, and I said the same prayer. I prayed for my mother and my family, as we face the reality of Alzheimer's. I prayed for healing for her, for support for my father, and to keep the love alive in my family.

When we visited the last chapel at the end of the trip, I told her about it. She then wanted a coin, so that we could light our candles and say our prayers side by side.

I'm sharing this story with you to bring power to my prayer. It is written that where two or three are gathered in His name, there I am with them. Whatever your beliefs, I ask that you will join with me to support my mother and her cause. There are walks across the country and the globe; please join me in Champaign or Chicago with your dollars, your feet, and your prayers. Whatever you can give, large or small. Our world is facing an epidemic WITHOUT A CURE; millions will be grateful for your support.

If you are interested in walking (make an impact by showing our community how many of us care about this issue) or donating (someone has to fund the research), please see my pages:

For anyone in or near Champaign this Fall, or anyone interested in more info,
Personal page:
Team page:

For my friends who prefer Chicago,
Personal page:
Team page:

And for more info... is always a great resource!